26 Internet Roasts That Didn't Hold Back
These folks just got nuked.
Published 3 years ago in Funny
One of Reddit's funnier and more entertaining subreddits is the /r/roastme subreddit. People take a photo of themselves holding a sign that typically says "Roast me" or "/r/RoastMe" inviting other Reddit users and members of the subreddit to fire their best shot at them. A lot of the time it is just funny and light-hearted jokes and insults, but occasionally there are some truly mean and savage ones mixed in. You may feel bad for laughing at some of these jokes and insults but keep in mind these folks literally asked for it.
The thing about asking strangers on the internet to roast you is that they have ZERO consideration for you or your feelings. They don't even have the accountability of seeing you face-to-face like the celebrities and comedians on Comedy Central Roasts do with their intended victims.
This leads to some absolute SAVAGERY in the comments, as witnessed on these Reddit roasts.
The thing about asking strangers on the internet to roast you is that they have ZERO consideration for you or your feelings. They don't even have the accountability of seeing you face-to-face like the celebrities and comedians on Comedy Central Roasts do with their intended victims.
This leads to some absolute SAVAGERY in the comments, as witnessed on these Reddit roasts.